MLK Day Discussion Guide

MLK Day Discussion Guide

The life and legacy of Martin Luther King Junior has discussions across difference as a central aspect to moving justice forward. Be’chol Lashon created this guide in partnership with Repair the World, an organization building a national movement to catalyze one...
A Message from Be’chol Lashon this MLK Weekend

A Message from Be’chol Lashon this MLK Weekend

Dear Community, Shabbat Shalom from Be’chol Lashon It has always seemed fitting that Martin Luther King Jr. Day helped to launch the start of the new secular year. Filled with inspiration and hope, Dr. King’s life and legacy laid a path for us to create...
“A True Ally In This Mission”

“A True Ally In This Mission”

On December 12, 2024, New York Mayor Eric Adams issued a citation recognizing Be’chol Lashon’s work to uplift the Ethiopian Jewish holiday of Sigd. “New Yorkers take immense pride in their communities of faith,” the citation from Mayor Adams reads. “I am delighted to...