From Chinese or Jewish to Chinese AND Jewish

From Chinese or Jewish to Chinese AND Jewish

This summer, I will be a first-time counselor at Camp Be’chol Lashon, a Jewish leadership camp that teaches about global Jewish diversity. CBL represents a place where I can fully be myself, something I was not always able to do. Growing up in Boulder, Colorado, I was...
Greek Jewish Hanukkah Is Not A Paradox

Greek Jewish Hanukkah Is Not A Paradox

I am sure people wonder how you can be Greek and Jewish, especially around Hanukkah, a time when we’re taught that the Maccabees proudly rose up against the pagan Greeks and regained Jewish independence. But it has never been a problem for me. I’m a proud Sephardic...
Mumbai Synagogue Granted UNESCO Award

Mumbai Synagogue Granted UNESCO Award

Just ahead of the Hanukkah holiday, the historic Keneseth Eliyahoo Synagogue in Mumbai celebrated its own Hanukkat Habayit, rededication and celebration. The second oldest synagogue in India has recently been restored and this week was recognized by UNESCO with an...