by Webmaster | Jan 3, 2017 | Identity, Recipes
On December 1st, baker Brandie Itman moved her small home business into the kitchen of Beth El Synagogue adding a kosher option to the Minnesota landscape. Team Be’chol Lashon caught up with the busy mother of two to talk about cake, keeping kosher, and being an...
by Webmaster | Sep 7, 2016 | Holidays, Identity, Recipes
The summer is over, the school year has started, and so it follows that Rosh Hashanah can’t be too far away. The holidays are a month away which gives us all enough time to plan and try out a few new recipes to add to our Rosh Hashanah table. Here are five of our...
by Webmaster | Jun 9, 2016 | Holidays, Identity, Recipes
The Shavuot holiday is upon us. We celebrate our becoming a people committed to living the gift of receiving and living Torah. Shavuot also marks the spring harvest season. Growing up, I recall marking the holiday with ‘first fruits’ of the season. We now share the...
by Webmaster | Jun 6, 2016 | Holidays, Identity, Recipes
Shavuot is one of the rare Jewish holidays that really specifies a dairy meal. Some say it’s because the Torah came with the promise of a land of “chalav u’d’vash,” a land of milk and honey. Some say its because this is the time of the year when cows, goats and...
by Webmaster | Apr 11, 2016 | Holidays, Identity, Recipes
We are Sephardic Jews. Originally from Spain, most of our families fled in 1492, expelled by the Monarchy to avoid a forced conversion to Catholicism under threat of death. Many of our families were welcomed into the lands of the Sultan, under Ottoman rule. There our...
by Webmaster | Apr 6, 2016 | Holidays, Identity, Recipes
What is the best way to usher in the Passover season? Not with handwringing and housecleaning, but with celebration, blessing and sweet joy! On Rosh Hodesh, the first day of Nissan, the Jewish month during which we celebrate Passover, Jews from Tunisia and Libya...