by Shekhiynah Larks | Sep 25, 2019 | Holidays, Identity, Recipes
Anyone who knows me will tell you that I have a passion for food and feeding people. This passion comes from my Ashkenazi Israeli mother and my Japanese Canadian father, both of whom are fabulous cooks. Mom always had a snack ready when I came home from school. As...
by Webmaster | Sep 17, 2019 | Holidays, Identity, Recipes
As Rosh Hashanah approaches I look back on this year with immense gratitude. Last August I converted to Judaism, and 5779 was my first year as a Jew. And a momentous one it was. I celebrated my first High Holidays. I graduated from college. I went on Birthright. I...
by Webmaster | Apr 26, 2019 | Holidays, Identity, Recipes
Keeping a chametz-free diet during Passover can be challenging for health-minded folks, especially for Ashkenazi Jews like me who try to avoid eating meat and other animal products. While life became a little easier for some of us in 2015, after the Conservative...
by Shekhiynah Larks | Apr 9, 2019 | Holidays, Identity, Recipes
There’s something about Passover that makes it my indisputable favorite Jewish holiday. With the perfect combination of rituals, storytelling and culinary traditions, along with some neurotic spring cleaning incentives, this beautiful festival carries with it meaning...
by Shekhiynah Larks | Apr 4, 2019 | Holidays, Identity, Recipes
This year at Passover, Rosita Goldstein will be thinking about her two oldest children, who—away at college and participating in work-study—are unable to get home for the first time to celebrate with their family. But, sitting at home in the tropical heat and winds of...
by Shekhiynah Larks | Feb 20, 2019 | Holidays, Identity, Recipes
[vc_row][vc_column][rev_slider_vc alias=”article-header-banner”] [vc_column_text “post-meta-data”][+AUTHOR+][+PUBLICATION+][+DATE+] Since arriving in California twelve months ago, I’ve tried the dry flesh of Chinese Jujubes, zest from the green...