Children’s Passover Books

Children’s Passover Books

Passover is a time for storytelling. One of the main purposes of the holiday is to allow one generation to tell the next generation the story of how we came out of Egypt and journeyed from slavery to freedom. There are many children’s books that engage young minds by...
Preparing for Passover in Guatemala

Preparing for Passover in Guatemala

Wow!! Again, the time is almost here and there are plenty of things to do. One of our favorite holidays is near and we have to prepare everything. PESACH IS COMING! For Adat Israel in Guatemala City, Passover is a special celebration. We are a community with 30...
A Modern Passover Miracle

A Modern Passover Miracle

This modern Passover Miracle story is perfect for sharing with friends and family at your Seder. At Passover, every person is supposed to feel as though he himself left Egypt. For me and the Jewish community of Uganda, we do not need to imagine. In our lifetime, we...
My Interracial Marriage Isn’t That Exotic

My Interracial Marriage Isn’t That Exotic

Those of you who follow my comedy know that my wife is a Black woman who converted to Judaism. What you also know is that we have a young son who is Biracial and Jewish. As a result, I can tell you that Black-Jewish relations in our family are at an all-time high....
Jewish Joy At Carnival

Jewish Joy At Carnival

Carnival, Mardi Gras, Carnaval.  These words convey exhuberance, dancing, masks, and overflowing joy (and often excess). From Rio to New Orleans, from Venice to Antigua, the week before the beginning of Lent has always been punctuated with explosions of color, music...