Breaking the Cycle of Unwelcome in Jewish Life

Breaking the Cycle of Unwelcome in Jewish Life

For many of us going to a new synagogue or Jewish environment is tough. We spend time beforehand wondering if we will know anyone, will we feel comfortable, or something as simple as will anyone say hello to me. For me, this last piece has always been something I’ve...
My Jewish Son’s Love of Christmas

My Jewish Son’s Love of Christmas

My wife and I are a multiracial couple. She’s Black. I’m White. Our 4-year-old son is biracial. My wife grew up Christian and converted to Judaism. She is, as they say, a “Jew by choice.” Her choice, to be sure (though, if pressed, I’m sure my mother would say it was...
Modern Maccabees: An African Hanukkah Story

Modern Maccabees: An African Hanukkah Story

This year, Hanukkah has special meaning for the Abayudaya Jews of Uganda. Hanukkah is not a major holiday like Shabbat or Passover because it is not written about in the Torah. But its story is important to us. It is a story of the few against the many. It is a story...
A Recipe for Homemade Hanukkah

A Recipe for Homemade Hanukkah

As a convert, I have always felt a special responsibility to actively choose Judaism. Each new choice I make reminds me to live a Jewish life with kavanah, with loving intent. I have to make being Jewish happen. My fledgling faith was galvanized by the charge to make...
For My Camper, Ezra Schwartz

For My Camper, Ezra Schwartz

As I approached the Temple Sinai of Sharon, Massachusetts the words of King David’s Psalms could be heard from the street, and the pulsing prayers on Ezra’s behalf were rising skyward. Police and security were stationed every few meters, their faces somber and...