Humor and My Authentically Black Jewish Self

Humor and My Authentically Black Jewish Self

“How does Moses make his tea? Hebrews it. Happy Passover y’all.” This was the caption that I wrote on one of my most recent Facebook profile pictures. The photo featured my smiling face some with poorly edited-on Jewish and Passover-themed animations (matzah, a torah,...
From Looking Jewish to Being Jewish

From Looking Jewish to Being Jewish

Cultural anthropologists call it ‘going native’. You find yourself in the field as a participant observer of your host culture and before you know it, the lines blur. You fall in love with this culture, you want to transition and be part of it. You adopt language,...
Conversion: A Black Jewish Can-Do Story

Conversion: A Black Jewish Can-Do Story

Why would you want to do that?! You do realize that no observant Jewish people will ever accept you, right? You’re kidding!? WHY!? Those are some of the questions/comments I heard when I shared the news that I would actively be working on the process to convert to...
#BlackLivesMatter: The Right vs Wrong Side of History

#BlackLivesMatter: The Right vs Wrong Side of History

When I was nine years old, my family sat me down to watch the landmark documentary Eyes on the Prize. After I watched the story about Emmett Till’s horrible murder and his murderers’ eventual acquittal, I lay awake in my bed, too terrified to sleep. The idea that a...
Snapchat’s Top Rabbi

Snapchat’s Top Rabbi

When the list of the top ten Jews you should follow on social media platform Snapchat came out this week there were the inevitable comedians and foodies but only one rabbi made the cut! Vegan, Black and a bodybuilder, Sandra Lawson, a student at the Reconstructionist...