My Black Brother Deserves What I Have

My Black Brother Deserves What I Have

When I was eight years old, our family began looking into adopting a child. I was nervous and excited about the possibility of becoming a big sister. During the adoption process, I had a feeling that we would get to adopt an African American baby boy. It turned out I...
7 Global Jews To Enrich Your Sukkot Celebration

7 Global Jews To Enrich Your Sukkot Celebration

At Sukkot the custom of Ushpizin, offers us a chance, to be as welcoming and as inclusive as we would like to be. Traditionally, the Ushpizin are biblical figures who we symbolically invite to join us in the sukkah, bringing their legacy in to guide us in the here and...
On Shofar Blowing and Racism

On Shofar Blowing and Racism

מִן-הַמֵּצַר, קָרָאתִי יָּהּ;    עָנָנִי בַמֶּרְחָב יָהּ Out of the tight place I called to the LORD; God answered me with great enlargement. -Psalm 118:5 Rosh Hashanah is more than a New Year.  It is the beginning of the Aseret Y’mei Teshuvah, the 10 Days of...
The Sound of Jewish Diversity

The Sound of Jewish Diversity

What is Jewish music? For some it is the violins of Klezmer. For others it is Leonard Bernstein. For Sarah Aroeste it is contemporary tunes in Ladino. For Reuben ‘Prodezra’ Fromey it is hip hop with Torah values. Aroeste and Fromey have very different musical...