Weaving Together An Authentic Indian Jewish Life

Weaving Together An Authentic Indian Jewish Life

Whether walking into my favorite Jewish deli in Boca Raton, or curled up in a booth smelling curry and chicken tikka masala in my favorite Indian restaurant, I am home. I am a foodie, and I am blessed to have two heritages: Indian and Jewish. I was adopted from India...
White and Ashkenazi with a Dominican Twist

White and Ashkenazi with a Dominican Twist

Tolya Kurchenko—the protagonist of my debut novel, Forgiving Maximo Rothman, and its sequel, Forgiving Mariela Camacho—has a unique identity. Born and labeled a Jew in Soviet Russia, then mocked as a half-breed in the United States because his mother was a gentile,...
Esther’s Secret Identity

Esther’s Secret Identity

Several years ago, I started a new job in a new city and wanted to check out a local synagogue. A co-worker, Francine, also Jewish though less practicing than me, came along for the ride. “One thing,” I told her before we went in. “Don’t tell them we’re Jewish.” She...