Why this Mixed-Race Jew Loves Hanukkah

Why this Mixed-Race Jew Loves Hanukkah

Do you have any idea how many times I have had the “No, Hanukkah actually is NOT the Jewish version of Christmas” conversation in my lifetime? It usually begins with me having to explain that I don’t celebrate Christmas. Only Hanukkah. “But you’re half-black,” people...
After Pittsburgh, Why “They” Won’t Win

After Pittsburgh, Why “They” Won’t Win

On Saturday, I received a text: why do they hate us so much? It was from my daughter, a college freshman who is thousands of miles away from home but, at that moment, was reaching out for comfort, wishing she was curled up on the couch beside me. Which they did she...
From Small Town Ethiopia to Big City Law Student

From Small Town Ethiopia to Big City Law Student

My mother was just 16, when I was born. Even in the United States, that often means the end of education and opportunity and all the more so for girls in rural Ethiopia, where my parents lived and I was born. But my parents have never been limited by gender or social...