Olive, Zayit, Zeytoon, Aceituna

Olive, Zayit, Zeytoon, Aceituna

This Tu B’shvat, we at Olamim are thinking about family, diaspora, community life, and one of the seven species in particular, the olive. Olamim, an Innovation Hub of Be’chol Lashon, is a Latin Jewish learning community for families and individuals.  Through...
A Message from Be’chol Lashon this MLK Weekend

A Message from Be’chol Lashon this MLK Weekend

Dear Community, Shabbat Shalom from Be’chol Lashon It has always seemed fitting that Martin Luther King Jr. Day helped to launch the start of the new secular year. Filled with inspiration and hope, Dr. King’s life and legacy laid a path for us to create...