What Does Loving Day Mean to Me?

What Does Loving Day Mean to Me?

My racial identity and my Jewish identity are inextricably tied to the day that marked the striking down of laws against intermarriage.   I was raised by my Italian grandma and my German grandpa in the white suburbs of Chicago. My dad was Black and my mom was white....
My Black son is a baby, but he won’t always be

My Black son is a baby, but he won’t always be

Being Black in America is its own journey within the journey of just being human, and living, and discovering who you really are on a soul level. Then there’s being Black and Jewish. And then there’s being Black, Jewish, married to a white Jew, and having bi-ethnic...
Celebrating Our Diverse Latin-Jewish Community

Celebrating Our Diverse Latin-Jewish Community

Whenever I get the opportunity to introduce myself, I make sure to say “my name is Analucía Lopezrevoredo and I am a proud Peruvian-Chilean, American, Jewtina.” It is important that I pronounce my name correctly in Spanish, and that I introduce Latin and Jewish...