Freedom in Many Forms: The Inspiration Behind Be’chol Lashon’s Freedom Campaign and Judaism’s Liberation HolidaysAt Be’chol Lashon, we believe that a thriving Jewish present and future happens when we come together across race and ethnicity in the effort to liberate all groups from oppression and ensure the spiritual belonging of all members of our people.Read
Ethiopian Jewish Sukkot Traditions as a Model for Building Communities of BelongingSetting aside time for creating a community of equals.Read
A New African Jewish Children’s Story For SukkotUgandan Rabbinic Student Writes Her Life into a Picture BookRead
Sukkot and Chinese Moon FestivalI am blessed in being both Asian and Jewish and being part of two traditions that focus on joy and bounty at this time of year.Read
Returning to My Indigenous Roots This SukkotI implore the Jewish community to acknowledge the numerous homelands on which we reside in the United States.Read
Three Diverse Jews on Why Sukkot Is Especially Meaningful This Year“Our people built these same huts in times just as uncertain as these.”Read
Welcoming My Unwelcomed Ancestors this SukkotSharing the diversity of my Jewish life with my grandparents.Read
Special Sukkah Guests, from Dona Gracia to Jaden SmithJews of many backgrounds share the ushpizin they would invite this Sukkot.Read
What Sukkot and the Day of the Dead Have in CommonBringing together my Mexican and Jewish heritages.Read