Meaningful conversation and reflection at the center of this holiday celebration
Jewish& Stories / Topics
New Liturgy Represents The Diversity of Jewish Experience
The House of Representatives voted on 16 June to honour the day slavery was outlawed in the US. Philosopher Lewis R Gordon contemplates this victory for democracy.
Galveston’s Blacks already knew they were free, so did their slaveholders, who nonetheless kept them in bondage — not by deceit or ignorance, but by the brute force and dehumanizing torture they'd used for 200 years.
Juneteenth commemorates the day that the last enslaved African Americans in Galveston, Texas were finally able to claim freedom from illegal chattel slavery.
Use this Psalm to commemorate Juneteenth.
I wanted to show my children what “biracial” really meant, piecing together their father’s Scottish and Russian Jewish ancestry with my Black Arkansas and San Francisco roots.
While the death of George Floyd brings up personal traumas for many us, it’s important to remember that part of self-care is finding joy.
Despite the fact that it’s a celebration, I have bittersweet feelings about Juneteenth.