We believe storytelling holds the power to help us more deeply know ourselves, relate to each other more meaningfully, and connect us to the history, memory and tradition of being Jewish.

The authors of Jewish& hold their Judaism fully and fully hold a diversity of racial, ethnic and cultural identities. These are their stories.


Black Bat Mitzvah

Black Bat Mitzvah

At the time of my bat mitzvah, my party felt like a collision of all the different parts of my ...
Fractured Cracks

Fractured Cracks

There are countless words that have slipped through the cracks of translation, found the ...


“Oftentimes we feel stranded. Alone. Helpless. Lost.”

Become a Jewish& Storyteller

We invite Jews from racially, culturally and ethnically diverse Jewish backgrounds to submit writing and creative works to Jewish&. Learn about the process here.

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