
“A True Ally In This Mission”

Be’chol Lashon receives citation from NYC Mayor for uplifting the Ethiopian Jewish holiday of Sigd

Moshe Davis, Jewish Liaison at the Mayor’s Community Affairs Unit, presenting the Citation during a celebration at the home of Be’chol Lashon Board member Eddna Samuel.

On December 12, 2024, New York Mayor Eric Adams issued a citation recognizing Be’chol Lashon’s work to uplift the Ethiopian Jewish holiday of Sigd. “New Yorkers take immense pride in their communities of faith,” the citation from Mayor Adams reads. “I am delighted to recognize Be’chol Lashon […] for promoting a greater awareness of the ancient Ethiopian Jewish holiday of Sigd.”  


In 2008, Sigd became a national holiday in Israel, but in the Diaspora, the holiday is widely unknown. For years, Be’chol Lashon has worked alongside the Ethiopian Jews to educate the broader Jewish community about Sigd. 


Ethiopia-born and Israel raised Haftam Yizhak-Heathwood is one of Be’chol Lashon’s educators: “I am profoundly thankful for the chance to work with and be a part of an extraordinary organization like Be’chol Lashon, which does remarkable work in bringing the diverse Jewish community together, inspiring the next generation to embrace their identities.”


Haftam’s story is featured in Hyphen, Be’chol Lashon’s comic book anthology collaboration with FairSquare Graphics, which Voloj presented to Mayor Adams last month during a roundtable with Jews of Color at City Hall. In hopes of bringing more authentic voices into Sigd observances in the United States and beyond, Be’chol Lashon also created a four-part video series


“I cannot thank you enough for your unwavering dedication to ensuring that our Ethiopian Jewish values are preserved and passed on.” Haftam shared when reflecting on the impact of initiatives like Be’chol Lashon’s video series. “Your determination to make Sigd known and celebrated has been a driving force, and receiving this citation from the mayor is not just my moment—it is a moment for our entire community.”


Mayor Adams closed the citation by stating, “My Administration is committed to ensuring that people of all backgrounds feel safe, respected, and welcome in the five boroughs, and I am proud to count Be’chol Lashon […] as a true ally in this mission.”


“Education has always been at the core of Be’chol Lashon’s identity. We feel honored that our work has now been acknowledged by City Hall,” explained Julian Voloj, Be’chol Lashon’s executive director. “We look forward to continuing to develop resources and opportunities for learning that support education initiatives about Sigd and Jewish racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity in New York City and beyond.” 

Eddna Samuel, NYC Mayor Eric Adams, Haftam Yizhak-Heathwood and Julian Voloj.

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