Emilia Cooper is from Brooklyn, New York, and is an Economics Major at Bard College. Emi is an active social justice organizer, with a focus on carceral systems reform. She is currently the leader of Bard New Orleans Exchange, a Trustee Leader Scholars (TLS) project at Bard in which students spend summer and winter breaks volunteering for carceral justice organizations in NOLA. Emi is also in the preliminary stages of developing a pre-college summer program for formerly incarcerated young people in Hudson Valley, New York. Emi is also an Open Society University Network (OSUN) Global Fellow, on the Advisory Council of Bard Center for Civic Engagement, and a program fellow for Bard Engaged Liberal Arts and Sciences. Emi takes ballet class and engages in creative pursuits on campus. She enjoys hiking, writing, and reading tarot cards in her spare time.

At the time of my bat mitzvah, my party felt like a collision of all the different parts of my identity.