Debbie Derby is a wife and Jewish mother to two gorgeous children; sixteen year old Matan, and twelve year old Ashira. Although originally from the Philadelphia area, Debbie currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia, where she has a commercial Interior Design practice. In her “free” time she is actively involved with her synagogue’s Chesed and Aesthetics committees and is a team mom for her daughter’s competitive dance team. She also donates her design skills to pro bono projects. Her hobbies include writing essays and poetry, dance, weaving, and yoga. Atlanta, Georgia, where she has a commercial Interior Design practice. In her “free” time she is actively involved with her synagogue’s Chesed and Aesthetics committees and is a team mom for her daughter’s competitive dance team. She also donates her design skills to pro bono projects. Her hobbies include writing essays and poetry, dance, weaving, and yoga.

The “Derby Bunch”, or “Six Pack” as my parents like to call them, are a motley crew of grandkids – three of each gender – born within a six-year span to my two siblings and myself.