How Did the Jews Become a Global People?

How Did the Jews Become a Global People?

“How did the Jews become a global people?” “They got pushed around a bunch.” “They had to go to different places.” Indeed. Looking at the diversity of faces in the room the global nature of the Jewish community was not in dispute but the process of migration, the...
Breaking Barriers to Create Community

Breaking Barriers to Create Community

As summer approaches and we gear up for another terrific session of Camp Be’chol Lashon, I keep thinking about all the kids who—regardless of the camp they are heading to— are worried they might not feel like they “belong.”  I relate.My own commitment to Jewish...
A Recipe for Judaism

A Recipe for Judaism

What makes a fish taste Jewish? For some, the immediate answer will be pickling and a former home in freshwater. For others, the fish must be salmon-colored and, of course, smoked. For others still, Jewish fish is carp—poached, sweet, and served cold. For Jews in...