by Webmaster | Nov 14, 2018 | Identity, Jewish Ritual
Black hair is a contentious and highly personal topic. Whether we address its beauty and versatility or mock its propensity to stand out, the question remains: What do you do with it? The black hair question was never more spiritually apparent to me than in the days...
by Webmaster | Sep 26, 2018 | Identity, Jewish Ritual
International Ladino singer Sarah Aroeste recently teamed up with the Jewish community of Mumbai to create Baylamos, a musical celebration of Simchat Torah. Team Be’chol Lashon spoke to Aroeste and her Indian collaborator, Ednna Samuel, on how the colorful partnership...
by Webmaster | Sep 13, 2018 | Identity, Jewish Ritual
I never expected to find myself celebrating the end of Shabbat on a crowded strip of park between the Han River and the posh Gangnam neighborhood of Seoul. Yet this summer as the sun set, the familiar words and tunes of the Havdallah service made me feel at home in a...
by Webmaster | Jul 2, 2018 | Identity, Jewish Ritual
“Hey Buddy!” Whenever I hear that term, so common coming from the lips of dads in my generation, I invariably pause to reflect on the Fifth Commandment which instructs children to honor their parents (“kibbud av va-em”). Will a child whose father calls him (or,...
by Intern | Jul 2, 2018 | Identity, Jewish Ritual
Several years ago, I started a new job in a new city and wanted to check out a local synagogue. A co-worker, Francine, also Jewish though less practicing than me, came along for the ride. “One thing,” I told her before we went in. “Don’t tell them we’re Jewish.” She...
by Intern | Jun 7, 2018 | Identity, Jewish Ritual
[vc_row][vc_column][rev_slider_vc alias=”article-header-banner”] [vc_column_text “post-meta-data”][+AUTHOR+][+PUBLICATION+][+DATE+] When I set out to study in a traditional religious academy in Jerusalem last year, I was expecting a spiritual...