On Passing and Not Trying to Pass

On Passing and Not Trying to Pass

I am black, and I am Jewish. I’ve always found comfort in the and of my identity — that simple part of speech that joins together two disparate things: two families, two histories, two cultures, two heritages, two skin colors, two lineages of trauma, two pathways to...
A Rabbi Mourns African American Christians

A Rabbi Mourns African American Christians

“’…But, mother, I won’t be alone. Other children will go with me, And march the streets of Birmingham to make our country free.’ ‘No, baby, no, you may not go, for I fear those guns will fire. But you may go to church instead, and sing in the children’s choir…’ The...
Passing for Black?: Another Perspective

Passing for Black?: Another Perspective

My maternal great-grandfather was a German Jewish immigrant named Adolph Altschul. His wife was a freed slave woman, Maggie Carson. She was so light-skinned she could have passed for white, and one of Adolph’s and Maggie’s daughters did when she grew up. In the 1870...
Praying For My Children After Charleston

Praying For My Children After Charleston

Week after week, I light two small candles. I move behind my children and put one hand on each of their heads and I begin my prayer: Y’varech’cha Adonai V’yishmerecha. I ask that they be blessed and kept safe, favored and granted peace. I kiss each child on the...
Young Jews: Every Voice Matters

Young Jews: Every Voice Matters

For they (the teachings) are our life source, and what lengthen our days, and so we meditate on them day and night.” — Siddur This past week I arrived at Camp Yavneh in New Hampshire. It is my first time at a summer camp. Not knowing anyone or what to expect, I was...
Reb Zalman in the Andes

Reb Zalman in the Andes

This piece is being published on the yahrzeit of Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi of blessed memory, may his teachings endure. It begins like an old Hasidic story. A reluctant maskil (a defender of the rational reform of Judaism, an “enlightener”) is strong-armed into...