More than Superman: Jewish and Latinx Comics

More than Superman: Jewish and Latinx Comics

As a Jewish-German-Colombian-New York artist, Julian Voloj is both one of a kind and very at home in the world of comic books. Through comics, he has explored identity and forged community in navigating the overlap between his Jewish and Latinx experiences and...
Dancing with the Torah, Bhangra-style

Dancing with the Torah, Bhangra-style

International Ladino singer Sarah Aroeste recently teamed up with the Jewish community of Mumbai to create Baylamos, a musical celebration of Simchat Torah. Team Be’chol Lashon spoke to Aroeste and her Indian collaborator, Ednna Samuel, on how the colorful partnership...
Reading Torah in Korea With A Chopstick

Reading Torah in Korea With A Chopstick

I never expected to find myself celebrating the end of Shabbat on a crowded strip of park between the Han River and the posh Gangnam neighborhood of Seoul. Yet this summer as the sun set, the familiar words and tunes of the Havdallah service made me feel at home in a...
Why Diversity Matters to the Next Generation of Jews

Why Diversity Matters to the Next Generation of Jews

We were up next. During the next 30 minutes, we made our case to the panel on why they should invest. We weren’t pitching a business plan to a room full of venture capitalists, nor were we being grilled by investors on an episode of “Shark Tank.” We were pitching the...