Children’s Passover Books

Children’s Passover Books

Passover is a time for storytelling. One of the main purposes of the holiday is to allow one generation to tell the next generation the story of how we came out of Egypt and journeyed from slavery to freedom. There are many children’s books that engage young minds by...
The Poetry of Jewish Black Identity

The Poetry of Jewish Black Identity

I became Bar Mitzvah on April 20th, 2002, the 130th anniversary of Hitler’s birth. My dad’s side of the family wore West African dashikis. The only other time my temple had held that many Black people was Bingo night. We did not have the money to rent a hotel or hire...
Ladino Pregnant Pop

Ladino Pregnant Pop

Three words that normally don’t go together: Ladino, Pop, Pregnant. But in my world they make a perfect fit. Ensuenyo Te Vi, is a music track off my latest Ladino (Judeo-Spanish) album,  Gracia, named after the 16th century Sephardic heroine, Dona Gracia Naci. She is...